Catalog of the Highest-Energy Cosmic Rays recorded during Phase I of Operation of the Pierre Auger Observatory

   Catalog dataset

The Catalog consists of a data set of 109 showers measured with the array of water-Cherenkov detectors. In 10 of these there were also measurements made with the fluorescence detector (hybrid events). These data are available as pseudo-raw filesFor each event, a list of the water-Cherenkov detector stations, with their relevant PMT traces, is available. If an event is detected simultaneously with the surface and fluorescence detectors it is called a hybrid event and a list of the involved fluorescence telescopes with their camera view is also provided. The main parameters from the surface and fluorescence detectors reconstruction are also given. , and as two summary CSV files containing the reconstructed shower parameters, one relating to all 109 events, and another to the 10 hybrid ones.
The information contained in each summary files are:
Explore and download the surface detector reconstruction parameters

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Explore and download the hybrid reconstruction parameters

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# ID UTC time (s) FD site Energy (EeV) Xmax (g/cm2) θ (deg) φ (deg)
84PAO1008151281849423186 ± 8.1767.1 ± 31.953.7 ± 0.7100.4 ± 0.4
84PAO1008151281849423279.9 ± 6.9768.7 ± 21.053.9 ± 0.5101.0 ± 0.4
84PAO1008151281849423391.5 ± 9753.4 ± 12.552.3 ± 0.3100.6 ± 0.8
84PAO1008151281849423487.7 ± 8.1771.1 ± 13.552.8 ± 0.3101.1 ± 0.5
101PAO1401311391138994373.3 ± 8.4847.0 ± 52.961.6 ± 0.8336.7 ± 0.7
102PAO0903221237706713163.1 ± 6.3823.4 ± 23.344.5 ± 0.7184.3 ± 0.5
102PAO0903221237706713466.6 ± 5.3816.2 ± 6.043.6 ± 0.2184.7 ± 0.3
103PAO1509121442031373461.4 ± 5.8812.9 ± 14.176.7 ± 0.1253.2 ± 0.1
104PAO080703a1215079559155.7 ± 4.8772.3 ± 13.354.0 ± 0.355.0 ± 0.8
104PAO080703a1215079559460.6 ± 5.2799.7 ± 24.253.9 ± 0.653.6 ± 0.4
105PAO1105271306477330155.4 ± 5.2781.7 ± 19.643.3 ± 0.7143.5 ± 0.5
106PAO0711111194752186452.9 ± 6.2782.3 ± 62.276.5 ± 0.470.8 ± 3.0
107PAO0603291143597705160.9 ± 4.8744.3 ± 4.226.0 ± 0.1184.5 ± 0.7
108PAO1106271309151423351.5 ± 4.2730.0 ± 13.742.2 ± 0.5157.4 ± 0.3
108PAO1106271309151423455.8 ± 4.4727.4 ± 5.342.4 ± 0.1157.9 ± 0.6
109PAO080703b1215062936456.3 ± 4.6771.3 ± 8.649.9 ± 0.2175.9 ± 0.4

Explore and download the pseudo-raw files

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Section Subsection Variable Description
meta typename of the release
releaseversion of the release: it defines the event sample
formatversion of data format
reconstructionsoftware, versionsoftware-framework used for the event reconstruction and its version
info idevent identification number: YYDDDSSSSSXX
- YY : last 2 digits of year
- DDD : day number between 1 and 366
- SSSSS: second of the current DAY between 0 and 86399
- XX : order of the event at the current second
Time is expressed in UTC+12h., i.e., the day starting at noon
sdidevent number from data acquisition
gpstimeGPS time
year, month, daydate of detection
fdrec id
Indicates the FD site
'1': Los Leones
'2': Los Morados
'3': Loma Amarilla
'4': Coihueco
gpsnanotime [ns]The GPS time of the event within its GPS second
theta, phi
The zenith and azimuth angles
dtheta, dphi
Uncertainties in zenith and azimuth angles
l, b
Galactic longitude and latitude of the event
ra, dec
Right ascension and declination of the event
Total energy of the primary particle initiating the event
Uncertainty in the total energy of the event
Calorimetric energy of the event
Uncertainty in the calorimetric energy of the event
Position of the maximum of the energy deposition in the atmosphere
Uncertainty in the position of the maximum of the shower development in the atmosphere
[m a.s.l.]
Height of Xmax above the ground
Distance of Xmax to FD eye
Maximum energy deposit
Uncertainty in the maximum energy deposit
x, y, z
Coordinates of the shower core projected at ground level (site coordinates system)
dx, dy, dz
Uncertainty in the coordinates of the shower core projected at ground level (site coordinates system)
easting, northing
Eastward and Northward coordinate of the shower core projected at ground level (UTM coordinates system)
Altitude of the shower core projected at ground level (UTM coordinates system)
cherenkovFractionFraction of detected light from Cherenkov emission
Light emission angle from the shower towards the FD eye
Universal shower profile shape parameter L
uspRUniversal shower profile shape parameter R
Uncertainty in the Universal Shower Profile parameter L
duspRUncertainty in the Universal Shower Profile parameter R
hottestStationIdid of the SD station with the highest recorded signal
Distance of the hottest station to the plane that includes the shower axis and the eye position (SDP)
Distance of hottest station to the reconstructed shower axis in the shower plane
eyes id
Id of the FD site:
1: Los Leones
2: Los Morados
3: Loma Amarilla
4: Coihueco
nameName of the FD site
Array of slant depth points measured. The array dimension depends on the number of triggered pixels
Array of energy deposit at each slant depth, obtained from the shower profile fit. The array dimension depends on the number of triggered pixels
Array of the uncertainty in the energy deposit at each slant depth, obtained from the shower profile fit. The array dimension depends on the number of triggered pixels
Array of the pixel ids. The array dimension depends on the number of triggered pixels. The camera of each telescope consists of 440 pixels. The whole eye is composed of 440 x 6 pixels
[100 ns]
Array of the times of the signal centroid in each pixel. The array dimension depends on the number of triggered pixels
[number of photons at telescope aperture]
Array of the light detected in each pixel (proportional to the charge). The array dimension depends on the number of triggered pixels
Array that indicates the status of the pixel
3=SDP (shower detector plane)
sdrec theta
Zenith angle
Uncertainty in the zenith angle
Azimuth angle
Uncertainty in the azimuth angle
Uncertainty in the energy
Galactic longitude and latitude
Right ascension and declination
Coordinate of the shower core (site coordinates system)
Uncertainty in the coordinates of the shower core (site coordinates system)
Risetime at 1 km from the shower core
Uncertainty in the risetime at 1 km from the shower core
Radius of curvature of the shower
Uncertainty in the radius of curvature of the shower
Expected signal at 1000 m from the core, S(1000), used as estimator of the energy
Uncertainty in S(1000)
Signal produced at 1000 m by a shower with a zenith angle of 38 deg
n19 Energy estimator, N19, of a shower with a zenith angle > 60 deg
dn19Uncertainty in N19
n68N19, that a shower would have produced had it arrived at 68 deg
dn68Uncertainty in N68
beta,gammaSlope parameters of the fitted LDF
chi2Chi-square value of the LDF fit
ndfNumber of degrees of freedom in the LDF fit
nbstatNumber of triggered stations used in reconstruction
recstationsList of ids of the triggered stations used in reconstruction
stations idId
Start time of the signal
signalStartBin,signalStopBinFADC trace bins that indicate the start and stop of the signal
Integrated signal in the FADC traces
Uncertainty in the integrated signal
0: high-gain and low-gain channels not saturated
1: high-gain channel saturated
2: high-gain and low-gain channels saturated
curveResidualTime delay w.r.t. plane fit
dcurveResidualUncertainty in time delay w.r.t. plane fit
risetime time that it takes for the signal amplitude to grow from 10% to 50%
1: the station is used in the reconstruction
Distance of the station to the core in the plane perpendicular to the shower axis (shower plane)
FADC traces from each photomultiplier. The length of each FADC trace is 768 bins. A bin corresponds to 25 ns